Changing quota of a site
I wrote a script for all those who want an easy and safe way to change the quota of a site.
.\AdjustSiteQuota.ps1 -Identity [$url] -Percentage [1-1000]
Its very simple… just suppy the url and the percentage how the new values for StorageWarningLevel and StorageMaximumLevel should be adjusted.
Iagine if you want to decrease the quota of a site by 50%, jsut supply 50 as parameter, let me give some examples.
I want to increase the site quota for a (mysite http://mysite/personal/themysite) by 20%
Command: .\AdjustSiteQuota.ps1 -Identity "http://mysite/personal/themysite" -Percentage 120
I want to decrease the site quota for a (mysite http://mysite/personal/themysite) by 50%
Command: .\AdjustSiteQuota.ps1 -Identity "http://mysite/personal/themysite" -Percentage 50
See the script in action…
Enjoy and comment if you have an idea or found an bug.