Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

The first Update for Visual Studio 2012 is out and contains a LOT of new features.
It feels like an Service Pack but Microsoft changed his strategy and is moving away -from big Releases to minor ones, like this Update.

Microsoft is also already working on an Update 2 Release.

Check out this awesome blogpost.

My personal higlights:

  • OOB Load testing support for SharePoint 
  • Unit test emulator for SharePoint
  • Coded UI test support for SharePoint
  • Intellitrace collection plan for SharePoint
  • Cross browser testing for coded UI testing (IE, Chrome, Firefox, …)
  • Usability improvements for Coded UI tests
  • JavaScript Memory Profiling

Here is a high level summary of the contents, beside bug fixes and performance improvements.

SharePoint code quality

  • Load testing support for SharePoint
  • Unit test emulator for SharePoint
  • Coded UI test support for SharePoint
  • Intellitrace collection plan for SharePoint

Manual testing

  • Editing of test cases from inside the test runner
  • Code coverage support for manual testing of web apps
  • Hierarchical query support
  • Pause manual testing session and later resume a test case
  • Deep copy of a test plan to better support release management
  • Publish test results to TFS from command-line

Coded UI tests

  • Cross browser testing for coded UI testing (IE, Chrome, Firefox, …)
  • Usability improvements for Coded UI tests

Unit testing

  • Windows Store C++ unit testing enhancements
  • Windows Store Unit Test library enhancements
  • Traits support for all adapters
  • Unit Test Grouping and Filtering in Test Explorer Window

Version Control

  • Associate multiple bugs with a checking at once in the Add by ID field (i.e. comma separated)
  • Toolbar button to show/hide deleted items in the source control explorer
  • Copy the name of a changeset/shelveset from the Changeset/Shelveset Details page
  • Find a Shelveset by name from the Find Shelvesets page
  • Include/exclude all items except those that are selected
  • Know if my detected changes are adds or deletes before clicking the link
  • Navigate to an item in source control explorer from pending changes page
  • Undo changes to a file from the editor context menu
  • Kanban support in TFS Web Access


  • Extend TFS server side path limits from 260 characters to 400 characters
  • SCVMM 2012 SP1 support with Lab Management for Windows 2012 host
  • VSUpdate support for Microsoft Test Manager for automatic update notification
  • Easier installation of unit test adapters on TFS build machines using Nuget
  • Code Map – Incremental discovery and visualization of your application architecture and dependencies
  • IntelliTrace Integration with System Center
  • Integrate Blend Windows Phone Tooling
  • Multiscale image support for manifest content
  • JavaScript Memory Profiling
  • Mixed Managed/Native Debugging Support for Store Apps
  • ARM Native Dump Debugging Support
  • Enable XP targeting with C++

TFS Web Access

  • Drag and drop queries and query folders
  • Drag/drop between User Stories and People in the Taskboard
  • Drag a task to a person to assign it in the Taskboard
  • Expand and Collapse the left navigation pane
  • Remember the state of the splitters
  • Animate Taskboard tiles on drop
  • Next/Previous arrows on WIT form
  • Updated navigation styling
  • Links and Attachments in WIT form shows counts

You can download Update 1

Online using WebInstaller here.

Offline here


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