Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

The first Update for Visual Studio 2012 is out and contains a LOT of new features.
It feels like an Service Pack but Microsoft changed his strategy and is moving away -from big Releases to minor ones, like this Update.

Microsoft is also already working on an Update 2 Release.

Check out this awesome blogpost.

My personal higlights:

  • OOB Load testing support for SharePoint 
  • Unit test emulator for SharePoint
  • Coded UI test support for SharePoint
  • Intellitrace collection plan for SharePoint
  • Cross browser testing for coded UI testing (IE, Chrome, Firefox, …)
  • Usability improvements for Coded UI tests
  • JavaScript Memory Profiling

Here is a high level summary of the contents, beside bug fixes and performance improvements.

SharePoint code quality

  • Load testing support for SharePoint
  • Unit test emulator for SharePoint
  • Coded UI test support for SharePoint
  • Intellitrace collection plan for SharePoint

Manual testing

  • Editing of test cases from inside the test runner
  • Code coverage support for manual testing of web apps
  • Hierarchical query support
  • Pause manual testing session and later resume a test case
  • Deep copy of a test plan to better support release management
  • Publish test results to TFS from command-line

Coded UI tests

  • Cross browser testing for coded UI testing (IE, Chrome, Firefox, …)
  • Usability improvements for Coded UI tests

Unit testing

  • Windows Store C++ unit testing enhancements
  • Windows Store Unit Test library enhancements
  • Traits support for all adapters
  • Unit Test Grouping and Filtering in Test Explorer Window

Version Control

  • Associate multiple bugs with a checking at once in the Add by ID field (i.e. comma separated)
  • Toolbar button to show/hide deleted items in the source control explorer
  • Copy the name of a changeset/shelveset from the Changeset/Shelveset Details page
  • Find a Shelveset by name from the Find Shelvesets page
  • Include/exclude all items except those that are selected
  • Know if my detected changes are adds or deletes before clicking the link
  • Navigate to an item in source control explorer from pending changes page
  • Undo changes to a file from the editor context menu
  • Kanban support in TFS Web Access


  • Extend TFS server side path limits from 260 characters to 400 characters
  • SCVMM 2012 SP1 support with Lab Management for Windows 2012 host
  • VSUpdate support for Microsoft Test Manager for automatic update notification
  • Easier installation of unit test adapters on TFS build machines using Nuget
  • Code Map – Incremental discovery and visualization of your application architecture and dependencies
  • IntelliTrace Integration with System Center
  • Integrate Blend Windows Phone Tooling
  • Multiscale image support for manifest content
  • JavaScript Memory Profiling
  • Mixed Managed/Native Debugging Support for Store Apps
  • ARM Native Dump Debugging Support
  • Enable XP targeting with C++

TFS Web Access

  • Drag and drop queries and query folders
  • Drag/drop between User Stories and People in the Taskboard
  • Drag a task to a person to assign it in the Taskboard
  • Expand and Collapse the left navigation pane
  • Remember the state of the splitters
  • Animate Taskboard tiles on drop
  • Next/Previous arrows on WIT form
  • Updated navigation styling
  • Links and Attachments in WIT form shows counts

You can download Update 1

Online using WebInstaller here.

Offline here


SharePoint 2013 Entwicklung mit Visual Studio 2012

SharePoint 2013 Entwicklung mit Visual Studio 2012

Viele alte und neu hinzugekommene SharePoint Entwickler beschäftigen sich mit dem Thema SharePoint 2013 und haben wahrscheinlich schon versucht mit Visual Studio 2012 sich dem Thema zu nähern.

Leider ist das nicht so einfach, da nach der Installation beider Software Produkte, SharePoint 2013 und Visual Studio 2012, in letzterem die SharePoint 2013 Projektvorlagen fehlen und alle SharePoint 2010 Projektvorlagen keine Kompatibilität mit SharePoint 2010 aufweisen – ein Hinweis, dass eine SharePoint 2010 Installation vorausgesetzt wird, vereitelt jeden Versuch.

Um jetzt schon erfolgreich für SharePoint 2013 zu entwickeln, müssen ein paar Komponenten installiert werden. Ich gehe erst einmal davon aus, dass der Server über keine Internet Verbindung verfügt.

Bei der Installation der Komponenten ist die Reihenfolge zu beachten

Nachdem alle Komponenten installiert wurden, kann nun jeder nach Belieben die jeweils passende Visual Studio 2012 Projektvorlage wählen.

Für diejenigen, deren Server ans Internet angebunden ist, gibt es den Web Platform Installer 4.0.

Nach dem Download und dessen Start suchti hr nach office <enter> und wält Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012 RTM – Preview aus. Alle benötigen Komponenten werden nun mitinstalliert – wie langweilig 🙂



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